I’ve thought about it and no I don’t care

Ok, I’ve pushed it around my skull for a while and I’ve decided I don’t care.

I’m so tired of people telling me I have to excersize my quote god given right unquote to vote. My other favorite line is that if I don’t vote, I don’t have the right to complain about things.

Excuse me?

#1 This will be tough for some people to read, but oh well: there is no “god.” Since there is no god, it’s hard for him to hand out rights. Our (supposedly) inalienable rights are ink on paper that men with wigs and robes grant and take away on corporate inspired whims. (Yes, even in the USA our so-called inalienable rights can be taken away.)

#2 People died for my right to complain about things even though I didn’t vote this year. This right is called freedom of speech. That’s one of the wonderful things about this country. Do you know what the best part is? You also have the right to not listen.

Besides, see what happens when everyone votes?

Decisions, decisions.

Why are these people so happy?I admit I’m not the most politically active person under the sun, but I’m so completely ignorant of today’s election. I have no idea what is on the ballot and I’ve been searching local news sites unsuccessfully all morning trying to find out what’s next to the switches in the booths. Nothing. Do I care? I don’t know.

I think the Nazi’s developed CSS

Ok, I have a confession to make. My name is Vincent and I am a Cascading Style Sheets retard. I’ve been sitting here for hours trying to come up with some cool new layouts for some sites using CSS positioning and it’s just turning into a collossal mess. Blocks are flying all over the place depending on what browser I’m using and what resolution I’m veiwing them at. Uhg. Separation of Content from Layout my ass. The only way it looks remotely consistant is if I use big ugly chunky blocks for everything and then it just looks consistantly like crap. Uhg. Damn you all to hell for using multiple browsers.

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go

Plato went into the vet today for his second worming treatment and his “adult” shots. What’s concerning me is that as of right now we don’t have the money to pay the vet. I feel like we’ve sent him to kitty jail or something. Dan and I have both applied for low-dough loans from our respective banks to try to cover it, but I already owe $160 from the last time I did this. I hope they’ll let me add to it.

And now for something completely different
I’m trying to come up with ways to save money. I’m considering selling my car and bussing it places for a while. Not only would I not have to worry about getting pulled over anymore but I could pay off the tickets I owe and have a few less monkeys on my back. Less stress over making insurance payments and the cardiovascular excersize from walking to and from bus stops would just be gravy. I’m scared to death when I drive this car anyway. I don’t have a brake tag, I have a short in my passenger-side high beams, my horn just broke a few weeks ago and my CV joints are clicking like crazy. I’m so going to jail if I get pulled over again. I will not pass go. I will not collect $200. I’ve seen prison movies. Heck, I own the first season of Oz. I will not last 24 hours in jail. :)

So anyway, my plan is to buy an RTA pass with my next check and go 1 month without my car, just to see where the major snags are. I imagine doing laundry and going to the grocery will both be big ol’ bitches. I could always bum rides from people or something. I’ll also miss the idea of being free to go whereever I want, whenever I want. It will suck, but hopefully not for too long. Maybe I’ll get a beetle when I come out the other side.

Plato is Evil

I think Plato (my cat) is evil. Early this morning he cawled into bed with me and snuggled up to my chin and fell asleep on my chest. I proceeded to wake up several times and, not wanting to wake up the cute whittle kitty, I’d fall back to sleep. Well, it’s now 4:30pm and Plato just had to get the f* up. Then, forgetting I placed my glasses on the chair next to my bed last night, I sat on them, squishing and bending the frames all to hell. I know this may sound crazy, but I thnk Plato was smiling.

Evil kitty.