
I’ve recently enabled trackback for Basically if you run a blog you can click on the little icon under my posts and see what sites are linking to that entry. If you do link to the entry, please copy and paste the URL at the top of the trackback page and place it into the URLs to ping section of your entry editor. Thanks!

edited 3/17/9:25pm:
I just combined trackbacks and comments so they appear in the same listing. So, if there’s a icon next to “Comments” and you click on it, you’ll see the TrackBacks as well.

Look ma, I’m moderately Schizotypal!

What joy… another online personality test! This one is a bit different than the others I’ve taken though, it’s a Personality Disorder Test. OOoooooo

Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Click Here To Take The Test

It’s quite fun to answer questions pretending you’re someone you know. Hmmm how would ______ answer this?

Dan, we need to talk. :)

Friday Five 3/14/03

1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?
I don’t mind it. I was one of those suburbanite kids whose mother was always yelling at them to get off the phone. Straight out of some 80’s teen movie. I remember I’d call my friend Mark every night just as M*A*S*H was ending so we could watch Trapper John or David Letterman together. More than once my mom would bust in the door and just FREAK because I was up so late. :)

2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
My friend/co-worker Gina. I had a pot-luck last night and I called to ask her to bring ice. :)

3. About how many telephones do you have at home?
Just one actually. We need another, preferably a cordless.

4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?
Totally, but I was a telemarketer at the time – not exactly the good-telephone-manners profession.

5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?
It depends. If I wanted to chat, then I’d use the phone – or if was something simple. If was something that I had to explain, or something with a list… then I’d write them.

The Cat is Out the Bag

My sister Kay and my brother Michael surround me before dinner last week:

My Sister: We read your blog and if you don’t feel comfortable telling us we wanted you to know we already know.
My Brother: yeah.
Me: So, if we don’t say it, how do I know what I know is what you know?
My Sister: Does it rhyme with one of our names?
Me: Ooo, good one. Yes.
My Brother: Animal, vegetable or mineral?
My Sister: Is it bigger than a breadbox?

Ok, so those last lines didn’t happen. Then this weekend, things got weirder:

Yesterday after blowing off our plans to go to parades changing her mind, my mom calls. After chit-chatting for a few minutes about how we both overslept, out of the blue she says:

Mom: Did you have something you wanted to tell me?
Me: Oh.. yeah, wanna talk about it now?
Mom: We don’t have to, I already know.
Me: But maybe we should?
Mom: We don’t have to.
Me: Um, ok.

So anyway. After 6 years of stressing about it, trying to figure out the best way to come out, it seems everyone already knew. Someone could have told me, ya think? :) Oh well, it’s out in the open, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

With that out the way, I feel comfortable mentioning some of my other projects: most notable the New Orleans Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. It’s going on during the last half of this week, and I’m really proud to be a part of it.

Anyone have any interesting coming out stories?