T-Shirts On-Line

This is purely for my own good, but I’m guessing other people out there are looking for similar sites. I’m currently working on my CafePress shop. (Link to come soon,) but to be honest, the prices are a couple of dollars above what I’m 100% comfortable with. I only mark things up $1.00 and I’m not sure it’s worth all the hassle that it can be to manage multiple shops. I’ve been checking out a few alternatives: MadMerch, 99Dogs. MadMErch is definately better quality (real silkscreen) but it’s a $10 monthly fee to hold you stock.. so you better be selling some shirts. 99Dogs is a lot like CafePress, but I’ve heard their quality is better as well as there turnaround time. 99Dogs’ interface is definately better. that CafePress (so is their base prices – but the shipping hikes it back up to about the same as CafePress!)