Saw two films tonight.

I went to see Jeremy’s films tonight at One Eyed Jacks in the quarter. I thought both were pretty good. You could definately see that his editing has improved in the second one, Hexing a Hurricane… a documentary about Katrina and it’s effects on th city as a whole. It was sincere without pandering to the hysterical anti-FEMA crowd. (Of which, I am one.)

The first, Don’t Worry Honey, I Live Here: How Local’s Celebrate Mardi Gras is just that… a look at the other side of Mardi Gras… beyond the breasts and the drinking. Ok, maybe not beyond the drinking.

Again, I didn’t really get to talk to him or anything… he was constantly moving around from one person to another.. each one of my hellos were replied to with “Hi, I gotta go.” Oh well. Jeremy if you read this, I enjoyed them. If anyone is reading this… buy them.