
Capital Bikeshare
I’ve been biking a bit again the last few days. The weather has been amazing in DC – sunny but temps have been around 65-75. Perfect. I’ve been using Capital Bikeshare for the last year and with all the nice weather have been riding the 4.7 miles home every day. Of course, all this has also got me back on my beloved Bianchi, seen here in it’s natural habitat, Jerry Chan’s.

My bianchi in it's natural habitat.

Since I haven’t ridden the thing consistantly in a few years I’m putting some time and money into getting it presentable once again. Last week I got a helment and had the fine folks at BicycleSPACE DC to fix the headset. (I can’t recommend them enough – great people there.) Smaller bullhorns are on their way from Fyxation. I upgraded the pedals last year so I think I’m going to do her proper and get some decent cranks as well. I built her up pretty sloppy after the store since I had other bikes then, but that’s not the case for now. (Heh heh heh, for now.)
