No Accounting for Taste (in men) AKA My Would-Do List

Earlier tonight I was talking to Craig on AIM and we started talking about how we would never, ever chase the same guys. For instance, Craig thinks Brett Mycles is like, incredible or something. I don’t see it. So, I started sending him pictures of guys that I thought we’re cute/hot/sexy or whatever you want to call it. It quickly became obvious that I am apparently some sort of mutant gay male. I always knew I liked guys that were older, I assume having something to do with losing my father when I was young, but my tastes are a bit… different I guess. I like rather clean cut guys, but not military or überbutch. I’d rather love handles than a six-pack. I like receding hairlines and glasses. I dunno. I like the father-of-the-kid next door type. :)

edited: 12/13/06
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