I Am Vincent’s Seductively Fluttering Eyelashes

Last night I went to Lafitte’s to replace a laptop keyboard for one of the bartenders and then went to the Pub afterwards to see who was out. There was a really cute man sitting in the corner of the bar, by himself, drinking a beer, obviously waiting for someone to talk to him. He was maybe late 30s/early 40’s and wore a very light yellow dress shirt, light purple/yellow/brown striped tie tugged a little loose from his neck and a brown pinstripe suit vest.

He was quite possibly the hottest man in the world.

I walked over and stood next to him at the bar and in a bold move that is fairly rare for me when I’m sober I say “do I know you? You look really familiar.” (Cheesy as hell, but it’s the best opening line ever. Really.)

He looks up at me and in a British accent that could fry an egg he says “I don’t think so, I’ve only been in New Orleans since this afternoon.”

His name was Andrew and he’s an actor and playwright originally from England but now living in New Zealand. He’s “on holiday¹” for the month, visiting the U.S. by train. He’s gone to San Francisco, L.A., Seattle, and now New Orleans. He left this morning for Chicago, then New York and leaves for home from Miami next weekend.

After we talked for a while,I released him back into the wild. He kept telling me he was staying in a “hotel not far from here” and “just across canal street” so I’m pretty sure he was fishing for me to go with him. Damn weeknight! The thought of either a) walking back from canal st to St. Ann to get my bike at 3am or b) waking up at 6am to walk to my bike, pedal home, get dressed and make it to back to work for 8am was just too much trouble.

Andrew, is this you?So I came home and did some e-stalking. I’m aproximately 91.8% certain this is him. The voice recording sounds like him and it looks like him, only slightly more flawless and airbrushed. Click the picture for his bio at aucklandactors.co.nz

Andrew, is this you?

So, instead of staying the night with my fantasy come true, I rode my bike home at 1am and had a fast food bag of garbage thrown at me from the window of a passing car. I was the victim of a post-katrina drive by trashing.

¹ Jesus, that’s hot.

Plan for redevelopment

Well, they released the plan for redevelopment today and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

Key Points of Plan, from nola.com

• Areas with little or no flooding should remain open for immediate redevelopment, but flooded neighborhoods would need to demonstrate viability before redevelopment.

• Give city’s 13 planning districts until May 20 to create development plans and prove that at least half of residents in a neighborhood are returning. Areas not meeting standards would be candidates for buyouts or redevelopment as parks or industrial zones.

• Impose a moratorium on building permits in flooded areas until redevelopment plans are approved.

• Request that FEMA release new flood maps within 30 days to help citizens decide about their homes.

• Seek buyouts that would pay home owners who are forced to sell 100 percent of the property’s pre-Katrina value, minus mortgage and insurance proceeds. The funds could come through a bill by U.S. Rep. Richard Baker, R-Baton Rouge, which proposes to pay at least 60 percent of a homeowner’s equity, or from other sources. The Baker bill is set to be reconsidered in Congress soon.

• Create an independent agency, the Crescent City Recovery Corp., to manage redevelopment. Take away from the City Council the ability to reverse decisions by the city Planning Commission and let appeals be handled by the court. Both moves would need voters to amend the city charter.

• Build a light-rail transit system to spur development.

• Build a park in each neighborhood, and interconnect them with bike paths, canals covered by grassy areas and other amenities.

Being a renter and not a homeowner I’m not as outraged by the four month waiting period as my home owning friends are, although I totally understand their sentiments. While I see the point in not wanting to give money to people to redevelop in areas that are not viable, arn’t they forgetting that these areas were the most flooded only in this circumstance? What if other areas of the levees had failed? What if the next storm comes up the mouth of the river and the whole city is under under 20 feet of water? Almost none of New Orleans is really that viable. Plus, how can people decide to move back if they’re in effect, not letting them? If I was teetering on the desision and was told that 1) I couldn’t do so for possibly four months and 2) I might not be able to, even if I wanted to not to mention 3) My life would be in limbo until I find out one way or another, I don’t know if I’d stick around to find out… I’d have a new job in a new city by then, and building a new life. This is a hard situation.

I do love the idea of a light rail system, especially if it links Baton Rouge to New Orleans to Biloxi like I heard. I just hope the city doesn’t F it up.

We’re too stupid for Toyota

I’m sure a lot of people would be upset about this article: Toyota deciding to open new plants in Canada, because americans are stupid. The truth is, the US is so concerned about keeping and creating oppressive laws on the books to protect it’s religious protected ignorance that we’re slowly becoming a nation of people dependant on the very government that once let us to independence. Disgusting, really.

“The level of the workforce in general is so high that the training program you need for people, even for people who have not worked in a Toyota plant before, is minimal compared to what you have to go through in the southeastern United States…”

That’s us, folks.

He said Nissan and Honda have encountered difficulties getting new plants up to full production in recent years in Mississippi and Alabama due to an untrained – and often illiterate – workforce. In Alabama, trainers had to use “pictorials” to teach some illiterate workers how to use high-tech plant equipment.

Didn’t MS schools beat ours, the last time around?