Not so great times

Anyway, I don’t like talking about troubles in on-going relationships because well, that’s just downright tacky, but for the last few weeks I’ve sensed that things weren’t right in the Vincent/Killer camp. My first tip off was, shortly after the Plan for Redevelopment came about, Killer started talking about not knowing if he wanted to stay in the city. He also mentioned that he was thinking about applying for work out of state. Can you say RED FLAG? I also started noticing that the last few times we went out he wasn’t coming in when he picked me up and then he’d just drop me off. They were late so I wrote it off as being too late to come in. Anyway, we chatted today and it turns out my suspicions were correct, he’s not wanting to date anyone right now. Yep, you guessed it: it’s not me, it’s him.

Anyhoo, no hard feelings. I still really like him and count him as a friend; it’s not like I didn’t see it coming. So yeah, single again. Ugh. Damn you Katrina.

On so many levels.

On the job front, I have a couple of interviews tomorrow. Someplace called the The Lionheart Group replied to my resume witha form letter saying, and I quote:

We have reviewed your resume and feel we may have an interest in scheduling you for an interview. Please take a moment to answer a brief questionnaire that will further assist us in determining if a preliminary match exists between your qualifications and career objectives and our corporate goals.

Interviews will be conducted in Metairie on Monday of next week. To be clear, this position does NOT require a daily commute to Metairie or to our office.

Click below for our online compatibility questionnaire:

The Lionheart Group, Inc. is uniquely positioned to attract, develop and retain preeminent field and management talent in an emerging industry characterized by high-growth and minimal competition. We specialize in providing business owners and employee groups of all sizes with the finest and most innovative access plans and employee benefits available.

How’s that for rediculously vague and unpromising? The web site only mentions a position in sales for New Orleans.. gross.

On the other hand, someone from Traxx wrote me back saying they need Bike Messengers. Sure, it’s cliche and probably doesn’t pay shit, but it could be fun and hey, riding a bike all day can’t be THAT bad. Besides, I could pretend I’m Kevin Bacon in Quicksilver.

Bicycle Michaels hasn’t called me back about my resume. No one from has either. This is really getting frustrating. Either I’m gonna be waiting tables in 2 weeks, or I’m gonna be living off my FEMA money – if it ever comes though. Neither of which are options I want to pursue.